NH Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission Participation

NH Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission Participation

Project Portal NHDES Coastal Program technical assistance funds are provided to Rockingham Planning Commission, Strafford Regional Planning Commission, and the Natural Resources Outreach Coalition to fund participation and assist with outreach related to the final...
Durham Flood Overlay District

Durham Flood Overlay District

Project Portal Develop a draft extended coastal flood hazard overlay district for the Town of Durham. Work with the Durham Leadership Team to develop an extended coastal flood hazard overlay district, which would apply higher standards for building freeboard height...
NOAA Regional Resilience Grant

NOAA Regional Resilience Grant

Project Portal This project seeks to accomplish two key objectives. First, it will improve the resolution and accuracy of inundation modeling in the Great Bay estuary through development of an unstructured grid modeling platform. Second, it will explore and promote...
NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup Coastal Resilience Portal

NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup Coastal Resilience Portal

Project Portal This project resulted in the development of a Coastal Resilience Portal website, upgrading the previous NHCAW website and integrating several other existing resilience efforts. Return to all projects Project Lead NH Department of Environmental Services...