Project Portal

The NH Smart Shoreline Project: A living shoreline site suitability assessment

This project will help planners and project proponents identify sites suitable for living shorelines and develop a strategy to increase understanding of how these approaches can preserve important environmental services in the face of current and future coastal risks and hazards to tidal shorelines. A NOAA Coastal Management Fellow will accomplish this goal in direct collaboration with NHDES Coastal Program (NHCP) Resilience Program staff and partner organizations. The project will 1) design and complete a Living Shoreline Site Suitability Assessment that builds on ongoing efforts to collect data related to current shoreline conditions, shoreline change, and current demand for shoreline treatments and 2) develop a Living Shoreline Outreach and Technical Assistance Strategy that addresses identified needs for specific audiences.

Project Lead

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Time Frame

Start: August 25, 2017
End: August 24, 2019

Natural tidal shorelines provide many benefits